Friday, October 10, 2014

So close but not that close

85 MORE DAYS, blares one of my many wedding apps. Summer is (technically) gone and the autumn months are all I have before my early January extravaganza.

Visions of votive candles and wedding favors dance in my head.

I dream (almost nightly) of unmailed invitations, cancelled caterers and last minute plus-ones.

I am so close to being done with this whole beautiful mess (the knot newsletters are getting scary) and yet I can't help feeling like I'm not even close to having everything finished.

I have things pending that won't allow me to move forward until they are taken care of. So I feel like in a sort of limbo waiting on other people. THIS IS WHY I AM A CONTROL FREAK, Not because other people can't do it right, but because other people have other stuff to do. I do not. This is my sole priority in life right now. 

I think grooms made up dessert tasting as a way to talk brides down from the proverbial ledge...

After mid-January I'll go back to being a normal person, I promise.